Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Asahi Fire - Drink Review

Here is the first post in a series of drink reviews. I got out of work a little early today and on the walk home I got the idea to write about the crazy drinks that Japan has to offer. So lets kick it off with one of my old and rare favorites, Asahi Fire.


The first time I bought this drink was at a Lawson which is a convience store somewhat like a 7-11. I had no idea what this drink was at all. I pretty much just bought it based upon looks alone. After I was halfway through with it, I realized that it was a very potent energy drink.

With most other energy drinks I've had, like Red Bull for example, the burst of energy pretty much slaps you across the face as soon as you drink it. I don't know how they managed to do it, but after drinking this, you slowly feel a renewed sense of vigor creep up on you ever so slowly. The result is a perfect jump start to keep you going for the rest of the night, without making you feel too jittery.

After the first couple that I had, it quickly became my go-to drink for late nights. However, I was very surprised to find that the Lawson near my train station no longer carried them, nor did the clerk know what I was talking about when I asked them about it. I chalked it up to the drink just being in a limited run and figured that I'd never have this awesome drink again until about a week ago I found it in a grocery store near my house.

The taste is something like cherry soda with a little bit of Red Bull perhaps. I love it but if I remember correctly, Rory said that it tasted like medicine. I still haven't drank the one I bought last week since I usually have coffee in the morning and I could only assume that mixing this drink with beer on the weekends would be very bad news.

I don't know the actual name of this drink, so I just assume that it's called Fire. In case the picture is unclear, the English at the bottom reads "The blazing flame is a symbol of your energy and enthusiasm." Strong words and a strong drink. Try it if you ever get the chance.

Final Verdict: 5 out 5

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