Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Fireworks - Yokohama

The first night that my cousin Erin spent in Japan we went straight to Kazumi's apartment to watch the fireworks, or "Hanabi," over the downtown Yokohama area.


We simply couldn't have asked for a better night, or a better first night in Japan for Erin. From the top floor of the building it was a perfect view for watching fireworks. I also got to catch up with people I hadn't seen in awhile and also make some new friends.

The food was great with a full spread of sushi, pizza, and countless other dishes. The highlight of the night by far aside from the fireworks was shotgunning beers. Craig, who had never done it before, sprayed beer all over the nice furniture when he stabbed the beer can. I was far too full from dinner to do it properly and most of mine went right into the sink. Rory however took it down like a champ.


Everybody 2

After the night ended, Erin and I headed off in search of the train station, but since I didn't know that area of Yokohama too well I wasn't sure about where to go. Luckily we met an old married couple in front of the apartment building who were waiting for their son to pick them up and they gave us a ride to the station. I thanked them profusely and we were able to make it back in time before the last trains hit.

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