Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shiroi Natchan - Drink Review

Before I had Shiroi Natchan, I had another similar drink that I loved called Calpis which I bought simply based off the name. Even in the Calpis TV commericals, it sounds exactly like their saying "Cow Piss." How could you not buy something with a name like that right? Well Shiroi Natchan pretty much tastes and looks exactly like Calpis.


First off, the bottle looks awesome. To break down the name, "Shiroi" means white in Japanese and chan is a suffix often given to people's names. For example, I'm Brad, so my name might be "Bu-Ra-Chan" if you wanted to give me a cute name in Japanese. So, the whole thing is "Shiroi Na-chan" and it tastes great.

I got it from the dollar store, or 100yen shop. You should also be able to find it on the many vending machines along the streets in Japan. The taste is similar to maybe a Sprite mixed with a little bit of Cream Soda. It's made by Suntory, which you may know as the whiskey company I think from Lost In Translation. It's a little strange, but most beer companies also make a number of other soft drinks in Japan. Imagine if you will if Coors made an iced tea or something. Pretty odd.

It's not really something you can drink fast. Even if I try, I have to stop myself because the taste is quite strong. Usually a large sip is the best I can do. I highly recommend Shiroi Na-Chan. Even though it's made by Suntory which is a major drink company, perhaps Calpis might be the better of the two.

Final decision: 4 out of 5.

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